Book your stay

Terms & Conditions


Conservatorium Hotel B.V. is a private limited company, legally based in Amsterdam and office located at (1071 AN Amsterdam) Van Baerlestraat 27, registered in the (Dutch) Chamber of Commerce under number 50975773, VAT number 823028070B01 (“Conservatorium hotel”). These are the general terms and conditions of the Conservatorium hotel (“General Terms and Conditions”). The General Terms and Conditions apply to all services of the Conservatorium hotel, including but not limited to your reservation of a hotel room or other facility of or in the Conservatorium hotel. The General Terms and Conditions also apply to any use of the website and underlying web pages (hereinafter: the “Website”).

By making a reservation and/or using the Website, you agree to be bound by these General Terms and Conditions. The Conservatorium hotel reserves the right to change these General Terms and Conditions at any time, without prior notice. If you regularly use the services and facilities of the Conservatorium hotel, it is advisable to review the General Terms and Conditions (again).

These General Terms and Conditions are a translation of the Dutch version. In case of conflict between the Dutch version of the General Terms and Conditions and the English version, the Dutch version prevails.

  1. Reservations and Services
    • You can reserve a room at the Conservatorium hotel via the Website and booking websites. All reservations must be guaranteed by a credit card valid on the date of arrival. Non-guaranteed reservations are not accepted.
    • For bookings made via the Website, the rates applicable at that time apply. The Conservatorium hotel reserves the right to not accept or execute any reservation, or to attach additional conditions to the acceptance or execution of a reservation at any time.
    • Personal data collected by the Conservatorium hotel from you is processed in accordance with the privacy policy of the Conservatorium hotel. Click here to view the privacy policy.
    • You must use the services of the Conservatorium hotel in accordance with applicable law, the reservation, these General Terms and Conditions, the house rules of the Conservatorium hotel, common decency standards, and reasonable instructions from the Conservatorium hotel, as published on the Website or provided/given at the Conservatorium hotel whether by the staff of the Conservatorium hotel or not. Therefore, it is not permitted to use the services for unlawful purposes, in a way that could damage the rights and/or interests of third parties or, in the opinion of the Conservatorium hotel, in any way could harm the Conservatorium hotel. If you act contrary to the foregoing, the Conservatorium hotel reserves the right to refuse further service to you. You are liable for all damages suffered and still to be suffered, and all costs incurred and yet to be incurred (including legal costs) by the Conservatorium hotel as a result of the violation of any obligation or (house) rule as referred to above, without the need for a prior claim or notice of default.
    • You can place a reservation at the Conservatorium hotel. The Conservatorium hotel may attach conditions to the reservation including but not limited to (advance) payment of an amount as deposit, a prepayment, or reconfirmation.
  2. Cancellation, Supension, and Termination
    • If you wish to change and/or cancel your reservation, you must do so in accordance with the individual cancellation conditions agreed upon between the guest and the Conservatorium hotel.
    • In the event of force majeure – as referred to in Article 6:75 of the Dutch Civil Code – on the part of the guest, the guest may only change and/or cancel their reservation in accordance with the individual cancellation conditions agreed upon between the guest and the Conservatorium hotel.
    • If you fail to fulfil any obligation under the law or an agreement and/or any obligation under the General Terms and Conditions (which also includes not timely) the Conservatorium hotel is entitled to suspend its obligations.
    • If you do not comply with the booking conditions, reservation conditions, individual cancellation conditions, the General Terms and Conditions, the house rules, or fail to fulfil any obligation arising from the law or another agreement in which you use another service offered by the Conservatorium hotel, the Conservatorium hotel may cancel and/or refuse the reservation/booking and other services, and terminate all agreements (in whole or in part) without the Conservatorium hotel being obliged to compensate any damages and/or (incurred and to be incurred) costs.
  1. House Rules
    • By entering the Conservatorium hotel, the bar, the restaurants, and the spa of or located in the Conservatorium hotel, you automatically agree to the following house rules:
  • Respectful behavior is expected from all guests.
  • Access to the bar from 18:00 is from the age of 18. We may ask for your ID.
  • Experiencing a spa treatment is from the age of 18. We may ask for your ID.
  • Requests from employees and security of the Conservatorium hotel must be followed at all times.
  • Any form or manner of harassment, violence, aggression, or other inappropriate behavior (verbal or physical) is not tolerated. If you violate this, you must leave the Conservatorium hotel immediately. If you witness such behavior, report it immediately to the management of the Conservatorium hotel.
  • The use of so-called soft drugs/hashish or marijuana is not allowed in public areas, nor laughing gas. The use of soft drugs on the premises is not allowed. Smoking cigarettes is only allowed outside the building. If you smoke in a hotel room, a smoking fine of a full room night will be charged.
  • The use of hard drugs and possession thereof is strictly prohibited.
  • Possession of a weapon is not allowed. The police will be contacted for possession of a weapon. Possession of an object that can be used as a weapon is also not allowed.
  • Guests are required to place their coats in the hallway cloakroom.
  • No glass or crockery may be removed from the bar or restaurants.
  • Access behind the bar or front desk is not permitted.
  • According to Dutch law, we reserve the right to refuse guests entry for legitimate reasons.
  • All guests staying or visiting a room must be registered with ID at the reception.
  • Parties in rooms are only allowed with permission from the General Manager during office hours.
  • By renting a room, you are responsible for the behavior of persons you bring to the Conservatorium hotel and your room.
  • Possession of nitrous oxide cylinders in the room is prohibited.
  • For your and our safety, open flames such as candles, smoking, fireworks, barbecues, camping, etc., are not allowed.
  • We do not allow persons who create an atmosphere that we as Conservatorium hotel find unpleasant for our staff and guests, which may cause the Conservatorium hotel to deny you and the persons you have brought entry to (the building of) the Conservatorium hotel.
  • It is mandatory to store valuables in a room safe or safe when absent. The Conservatorium hotel cannot be held liable for loss or damage.
  • Persons under the age of 18 must be in the presence of their parents or an official guardian.
  • Any verbal or physical sexual insinuation/behavior towards our employees is not tolerated and may result in forced departure, order to leave the Conservatorium hotel, or termination of an Akasha Membership.
  1. Payment
    • The Conservatorium hotel does not accept cash payments.
    • Costs incurred during your stay, including but not limited to room service costs, must be paid directly by bank or giro transaction upon check-out.
    • The Conservatorium hotel may at any time require advance and/or interim payment for services already rendered.
    • The rates listed on the Website include VAT and any other surcharges, unless otherwise indicated. The Conservatorium hotel reserves the right to change these rates without prior notice for justified reasons.
    • In the event of non-payment or delayed payment, you are in default, without the need for a prior claim or notice of default. If you still fail to pay despite the claim or notice of default, the Conservatorium hotel has the right to transfer the claim to a third party. In that case, you owe statutory interest ex Article 6:119 BW and extrajudicial collection costs (estimated in accordance with the Staffel BIK).
    • Payment is made in euros (EUR / €). Unless otherwise stated, prices are inclusive of VAT but exclusive of tourist tax.
  2. Intellectual Property Rights Regarding the Website
    • You acknowledge and agree that the Website contains material protected by copyright. Certain names, words, titles, expressions, logos, icons, images, or designs on the pages of this Website may be trade names, trademarks, or service marks of the Conservatorium hotel or affiliated companies. The mention of these trademarks, trade names, or service marks on pages of this Website does not imply that any license is granted to another.
    • It is permitted to download material published on this Website for non-commercial purposes, temporarily store it on one computer, and print it solely for your personal purposes. You agree that you do not acquire ownership with regard to content you have downloaded. You are not allowed to distribute copies of the material, for any purpose, or include it in a ‘frame’ on a website created or managed by you. You agree to comply with all copyright notices, indications, and restrictions regarding content on this Website.
    • Unauthorized downloading, transmitting, republishing, or otherwise copying or adapting material published on this Website, including trademarks, trade names, and service marks, may violate trademark law and copyright and may lead to legal action. The Conservatorium hotel reserves the right to take legal action in the event of unauthorized use of trademarks, trade names, and images of the Conservatorium hotel and affiliated companies found on this Website.
  3. No Unlawful or Prohibited Use
    • As a condition for using this Website, you give the Conservatorium hotel the guarantee that you will not use this Website for any purpose that is unlawful or contrary to these General Terms and Conditions.
    • The Conservatorium hotel is not obliged to monitor or review discussions, chats, submissions, transmissions, bulletin boards, and similar on this Website and accepts no responsibility or liability for the content thereof, nor for errors, defamation, slander, omissions, lies, obscenity, pornography, blasphemy, dangerous elements, or inaccuracies in information within these parts of the Website. If you believe that any part of the content of the Website is in violation of intellectual property rights or otherwise unlawful, you must send a notification to the Conservatorium hotel with a complete and accurate description of the relevant content and the reason why it is unlawful.
    • It is not allowed to post or transmit unlawful, threatening, defamatory, libelous, obscene, offensive, inflammatory, pornographic, or blasphemous material, or material that may constitute or encourage behavior that constitutes a criminal offense, gives rise to civil liability, or otherwise violates the law. The Conservatorium hotel will cooperate fully in the event of a request from supervisory and law enforcement authorities or a court order to disclose the identity of a person who has submitted such information or materials.
  4. Disclaimer of Warranties
    • The Conservatorium hotel has compiled the information on this Website for guests, potential guests, and professionals in the travel industry. The information, materials, and software algorithms included on this Website or available for download from this Website, including text, graphics, and links, are provided ‘as is’ and ‘as available’.
    • The information and materials on this Website are believed to be truthful and complete at the time of publication. Although the Conservatorium hotel strives to ensure that all information and materials remain current and truthful, they may change without prior notice, and the Conservatorium hotel cannot guarantee that they are truthful, complete, and current at all times. Additionally, the Conservatorium hotel cannot guarantee the accuracy, suitability, or completeness of software algorithms and explicitly disclaims any liability for errors or omissions in software algorithms.
    • The Conservatorium hotel does not guarantee that the Website and/or its services will be accessible at all times and without interruptions or malfunctions.
    • No warranty is given, implied, explicit, or statutory, including but not limited to warranties regarding non-infringement of intellectual property rights or third-party rights, ownership, hidden defects, uninterrupted operation, merchantability, suitability for a particular purpose, or being free of computer viruses, with regard to the information, materials, and software algorithms.
  5. Limitation of Liability
    • The liability of the Conservatorium hotel in connection with an attributable breach of its obligations and/or in connection with a wrongful act – as far as legally possible – or otherwise, is limited to compensation for direct damage suffered by you.
    • Only the following damage is considered direct damage:
  1. damage to property;
  2. reasonable costs associated with assessing the cause and extent of the damage, insofar as this assessment relates to direct damage as described in these General Terms and Conditions;
  3. reasonable costs associated with preventing or limiting the damage, insofar as you can prove that these costs have led to a limitation of direct damage as described in these General Terms and Conditions.
  • If and to the extent that the Conservatorium hotel is liable, it is only obliged to compensate direct damage up to an amount not exceeding the total price paid by you to the Conservatorium hotel. Under no circumstances will the total liability of the Conservatorium hotel for direct damage, of any kind, exceed an amount of €500, and/or only to the extent that the claim is (actually) covered by insurance and for that which is actually paid out under the insurance by the insurer to the Conservatorium hotel.
  • If the guest’s and/or any third party’s claim is not covered by insurance, the Conservatorium hotel is not liable.
  • The Conservatorium hotel has liability insurance with If P&C Insurance Ltd. (publ), Boompjes 413, NL-3011 XZ Rotterdam, which provides coverage in the Netherlands, with a deductible of USD 5,000 per claim.
  • Liability of the Conservatorium hotel for damage other than direct damage (‘indirect damage’), including but not limited to moral or consequential damage, lost profits, missed opportunities, loss of information, expenses incurred in connection with this Website or a linked website, or for damage resulting from the use or inability to use the Website, software algorithms, or linked websites due to interruptions, defects, delays in operation or transmission, computer viruses, or line or system failures, is expressly excluded.
  • The limitations mentioned in the preceding paragraphs of this article do not apply if and to the extent that the damage is the result of intentional or conscious recklessness on the part of the Conservatorium hotel or its managers (‘own actions’).
  • A condition for the right to compensation is always that you must report the damage to the Conservatorium hotel as soon as possible after its occurrence.
  • Any claim for compensation against the Conservatorium hotel that is not submitted within a period of 12 months after the occurrence of the cause of the claim is no longer admissible, and the claim for compensation or the right thereto expires.
  1. Links to Third-Party Websites
    • The Conservatorium hotel has no control over third-party websites and is therefore not responsible for the content of linked websites, including the prices of the Conservatorium hotel shown on them, or links on a linked website. The Conservatorium hotel offers such links for your convenience only. The inclusion of a link does not imply that the linked website or the information contained therein has been approved, examined, or checked by the Conservatorium hotel.
    • The use of software algorithms available on the Website and links to other internet resources and third-party websites (including booking websites) is entirely at your own risk. The content, truthfulness, expressed opinions, displayed prices, and other links provided by these software algorithms and resources have not been examined, verified, checked, or approved by the Conservatorium hotel.
    • The General Terms and Conditions also apply if you make a reservation via a third-party website or other booking website.
  2. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction
    • These General Terms and Conditions and all agreements, as well as all disputes that may arise from or be related to the General Terms and Conditions, an agreement, or the use of the Website or any service of the Conservatorium hotel, are governed by Dutch law.
    • Unless national or international law prescribes otherwise, any disputes arising from or related to these General Terms and Conditions or the use of the Website or services of the Conservatorium hotel will be exclusively submitted to the competent court of the Court of Amsterdam.